Monday, September 25, 2006

Temperance, thy name is...

…Well, Temperance. And, also, not me. Winged water-bearer, creature of earth and sky and sea, dynamic balance of head and heart, moderation of the spirit. Freaking bane of my existence.

I’ve gotten better at finding the middle ground, I really have. But “getting better” in this context really just means that I acknowledge, more often than not, that there could be a middle ground, and that I consider it a viable option about 30% of the time. Believe me, this is progress.

Extremes are just so much more apparent, more… I don’t know. Real. Passionate and intense and discernable, and so often they have these clear delineations of moral right and wrong, making angsty issues like responsibility and regret so much easier to deal with. I simply must do one thing, or not do another, to be good and right. The rest, all the doubts or losses or hurt feelings, are simply the price of moral behavior. A noble sacrifice, even. I’ve boiled my life down to these sorts of decisions for as long as I can remember, and I’m only starting to realize that it’s no more than another way to dodge responsibility and assuage my guilt, the sort of cheap morality and willful ignorance that I hate so much when I see it in others.

One of the oddest quirks to humanity, in my opinion, is our need to feel justified and morally right. Some people need external validation of this, a divine measuring stick or a group of people to assure them that they are, indeed, good; others are simply self-assured of their own morality. You can dress it up as religion or politics or personal creed, but at its root it’s all the same thing. People want, desperately need, to feel that they are good and right. In fact, the absence of this drive is thought to be a sign of mental illness. So then why does it bug me so much? I know this drive is much more conscious for me than is the norm, a constant consideration in daily life. It haunts me, this feeling that I’m bad, bad, bad, that if I believe anything else, even for just a moment, that I’m lying to myself. And it’s so easy to lie to yourself in matters of morality and self-image. I know everyone does it, that it’s the inevitable result of that inborn desire to be good, but I want to be different. (Maybe that, more than morality, is the issue here.)

I can’t be perfect. I will mess up. I’ve accepted these things, and despite hating them with every fiber of my being, I know that they are, and will be, reality. However, I’m not willing to accept that I will constantly lie to myself about my own worth, about matters of moral justification and ethical behavior. I see so many people who are, in my estimation, terrible, selfish, and cruel, who believe themselves to be good. And so, there’s this constant paranoia that I’m bad and I just don’t see it, that if I let up for one second on my relentless need to analyze my own motives I’ll end up evil and cruel without ever knowing it.

The result? Chronic low self-esteem and a neurotic need for reassurance. I suspect that the solution to this (like so many other issues in my life) can be found in the elusive, murky realm of temperance.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Complexity abounds

If you are B, please stop reading. Now. I mean it. Do not bookmark this site again. Do not read any further. This is my place to vent, and it is invalidated when you read it to “keep up” with me. It crosses the line from showing interest to prying. I will talk to you about it when I’m ready. I mean it. Just stop.

And hopefully he will respect that.

I’ve been holding back so much out of fear that he’ll find his way back here and hold the things I say against me. And I have so much to say.

It has been 5 months since I found out about her. 5 months since I laid out, as clearly and fairly as I possibly could, what I needed from him to convince myself I wasn’t an idiot for staying. The things he could say or do that would help me trust him again, that would show he didn’t intend to go back to the same behavior. Things that would be my personal motivation to stop being the snooping, obsessive, email-reading, jealous shrew I had become. They were not simple things, but not impossible. Things like confronting our mutual friends who encouraged him to lie to me. Talking to her, telling her to move on with her life and quit calling, emailing, and generally pining away as though she was still 16. I wrote these things down so that they could not be forgotten or misremembered. I gave them to him in a letter (which has been in my drawer for the past 4 months because he didn’t even notice when he lost it).

He initially told me he would do all this and more. That he loved me more that he had ever loved anyone and was terrified by the thought of losing me. That he was sorry, so terribly sorry, for his asinine behavior. Did I believe him? Hell no. I’ve had way too much of that shit in my life at this point. Telling me what I want to hear is chaep and easy. I waited for him to do it.

And waited.

And waited. Five months now.

We’ve talked about this plenty during all that waiting. He says that it’s hard, that I'm asking him to humiliate himself to do these things, and he’ll do them, but I had to give him time. (For the record, I’m asking for humility, not humiliation. A subtle distinction that I’m slowly realizing he is unable to make. I find this deeply unsettling.) And so, in an attempt to be fair (and to keep myself sane) I set a time limit: 6 months. If you can’t get up the nerve to make a phone call given 6 months of prep time, odds are you aren’t ever going to make it.

The clock runs out October 13th. And I’m scared to death.

It’s readily apparent that he’s not going to do the things I asked for; this part no longer worries me. It simply is what it is, and there’s nothing I can do about it. The problem is entirely about me not wanting to hold to my own rules. It starts with how things have been between us this summer. He has been incredible. Not perfect by any means, but for the most part he’s been attentive, communicative, and kind, a complete 180 from how things were before I found out about her. But in the last month or so he’s become progressively more withdrawn and sullen. There are viable reasons for this, and… Well, hell. The bottom line is, I don’t know what to think. He’s reminded me of what I love about him this summer, and I’ve pulled my heart back out of it’s protective shell a bit. Furthermore, we just signed a 12-month lease. The m-word hangs heavy on the horizon, and there is some talk of buying a new car. Mostly, though, I don’t know how to be the bad guy. Whether or not he’s trustworthy or has kept his word (or, really, if any of this has been more than lip service) is immaterial. It would tear him to pieces if I left. Break his heart, and I’m not sure, given his history, that he would get through it. I still love him, furious and untrusting though I may be, and the thought of hurting him that way is… just… Wow. I don’t know if I could do it.

But for me? I think it might be better in the long run.

What the hell am I going to do? If this deadline comes and goes and I do nothing, I’m pretty much rolling out a welcome mat over my face that reads “please walk all over me.” Showing him that I don’t mean what I say, and that he can treat me however he wants as long as he apologizes afterward. I’ve played that game more than enough and I know exactly where it gets you. And I have such trouble with finding a justifiable middle ground here. Walking away is for my own good and self-respect. Staying and trying to make him change him would be pointless, not to mention petty and juvenile. But am I ready to leave? Now? Leave behind this new life I’ve been building, pay the releasing fee and try to get a new apartment while searching for a new job? Bad plan. Wake up cold and alone every morning? Hard, but I think I could do it. Break his heart? No. Just… no.

And the worst part? A little part of me is waiting for it anyway, looking forward to being single, free to pursue my own interests without any guilt of leaving him behind. Eager to find someone who thinks I’m fascinating and beautiful, or even get that wonderful fluttery feeling in my stomach when I meet someone new and not feel like a disloyal whore. And as ashamed as I am to admit it, thinking about my ex. No chance of anything new there, but thinking about him all the same. Is it just me, or does this sound like the beginning of the end?

Friday, September 01, 2006


Well, I still don’t have a new apartment and don’t know when I will. But there is good news, and it involves neither an amphibian nor insurance of any kind. We were able to pro-rate through the first weekend of the month in our old apartment, which means that I am not, at this point in time, homeless. Heavenly choirs sung, the sun shone down, and I even did a little dance of glee when I found out. Of course, we’re living out of boxes and tripping all over each other, but we’re doing it in the comfort of our own home, so we’re not complaining.

I talked to the manager at the new apartment this morning, and got the same old “I’ll call you when the paperwork is ready.” I’m sure I’m driving her nuts calling her everyday, and I really don’t care. For some strange reason I don’t really have a strong sense of trust or confidence with these people. Can’t imagine why.

Updates in my personal life include increased allocation of time to my vegetarian friends (God bless the hippies, they challenge my assumptions and remind me that not being a consumerist whore is not only possible, but worthwhile) and an uncomfortable distance between B and myself. We’re both stressed out from the apartment situation and his work is taking up a lot of his time and emotional energy, but honestly, I think there’s more than just that going on. He encourages me to spend more time with my friends, read new books and grow as a person, and yet he doesn’t seem to want to do any of these things himself. He says he’s proud of me, and curious about what’s going on with me, and yet he turns a deaf ear when I try to share new ideas or insights. I’m frustrated and verging on fed up. He’s just as intelligent and capable as I am, but you’d never know that by listening to him. All I can get him to talk about is his damn video game, and he refuses to read any new books, even when I beg. When I try to talk to him about it and address the issue head-on, he makes excuses, tells me how much smarter I am than him and how he just cant’ retain knowledge the same way I do. I know full well that’s not true, but even if it were, I would love to see him at least make the effort. I’m bored and intellectually stifled, and just desperate to find new ideas, new dreams, new concepts and ways of looking at the world. And damnit, I am finding them, but it’s driving a wedge between us.

I’m so attracted to intelligence, to a man who can challenge my mind with new ideas and perspectives. It’s sexy, it’s exciting, and it’s really the primary thing I look for in any kind of relationship. I get bored with out it. And right now, I’m bored with him, and I hate myself for it. He’s good to me, loves me and does his best to take care of me and encourage me in all things, but he’s setting himself below me right now, and as much as I hate it I’m starting to see him that way myself. I know, without a doubt, that he’s capable of as much as I am. It’s what drew me to him in the first place, was so stark and undeniable that I was attracted to him against my better judgment, and I know full well I didn’t just imagine it. I don’t know what’ going on with him right now, if this is another aspect of the depression, some lack of confidence or even just laziness, but whatever it is, I’m sick of it. There are attractive, intelligent men in my life who I have to hold at arm’s length for fear of developing some attachment, and I know it wouldn’t even be an issue if I was getting some of the same at home.

I miss the way we used to talk to eachother. I miss the way he challenged me, gave me something new to think about every time we talked. I know that emotional intensity fades over time, but I didn’t think it would be the same with intellectual intensity. I want so badly to be captivated, or even a little bit intrigued. Instead I’m just bored and starting to resent it. It’s one thing to not be physically attracted to someone anymore, but to not be intellectually attracted… I don’t know how long I can live with that.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bad Day.

The following was said to me last night in utter sincerity:

“Good luck with your rectal bleeding and impending homelessness.” No kidding. I have some bizarre friends.

I’m trying to keep things in perspective here. There are no wars or civil conflict anywhere near me. None of my friends or family are dead, and everyone has enough to eat. I have not been institutionalized in any way, and still retain considerable freedom. My temp job should last through the end the month… That one was less encouraging, and I think I’ll stop now. My point is, this was not the worst day anyone has ever had. But it was, in point of fact, a Bad. Fucking. Day.

While my employers still refuse to take me on permanently, they have decided to extend my temp position for another month (which they previously told me would be impossible). I’m grateful to be getting a paycheck, to be sure, but at this point it’s really starting to look like they’re doing their best to add another full-time worker without having to give me benefits or pay me based on my production (as opposed to the cheaper hourly rate). I’m glad I have a job, but I’m annoyed that they’re playing these games. And I’m pissed that I can’t find anything better (our local unemployment rate is 4.9%).

Still, I try to focus on the positive: I’ll have a job I can count on throughout the move. Yes, we are moving to a new apartment, largely because our management has gone from taking several weeks to get any maintenance done to simply not doing it. Our toilet has been broken for a month now. We’ve given up complaining. Besides, we’ll be in a new place by the end of the month, right? Right??? *looks desperate*

Our shiny, splendid new apartment will not be available on the 30th as we had been promised. Nor will it be available on the 31st. “But don’t you have to be out of your current place by the 31st?” you might ask. And you’d be right. So will we get in on the 1st, just keep the U-Haul overnight and stay on a friend’s couch? Not likely. The management will already be on vacation for Labor Day. And they won’t be back until the 5th. They told me things like “city zoning permit” and “just some red tape” but all I heard was “Oh, shit!” So while they’re having their barbecues and camping trips, I’ll be… What? In a cheap motel for five days? And where the hell is my stuff supposed go? And when I do get to have my new apartment, how am I going to get moved in when I can only take off work for the 31st? … Learn the answers to these questions and more as we watch the weekend addition of My Life, wherein I get my ass thoroughly kicked by Real Life, and discover I’m an utter failure at Adulthood.

Do I get to cry yet? No, I do not. I’m going to be responsible, damnit, I’m determined to keep my head up and get through this. So I spend my evening running all over town trying to get the real story on what’s with the new apartment (no solid info from anyone, just “we’ll call you when it’s ready”) pick up some dry cleaning, buy gas (finally some good news, less than $3/gal), go to the U-Haul store (which was, by then, closed for the day) and finally come home frustrated, exhausted and ravenous at 7pm. Cry yet? Or even dinner? Nope. It’s packing time! So after a quick bathroom break…

What the fuck?

There is no reason a person should find that much blood in the toilet. Ever. I’m pretty sure gutting a small rodent would not produce that much blood. And no, it’s not the right time of the month for that, and nothing is actually hurting, just… Wow. That’s a lot of blood. And isn’t that a sign of internal bleeding? But I feel fine. I mean, aside from wanting to crawl under the bed and never come back out, I feel OK. Should I worry now? Should I wait to see if it happens again? And if it does, what then? As previously mentioned, I have no benefits; no health insurance, no sick time, nothing. Believe me when I say I cannot afford to go the doctor. But it seems somehow foolish to ignore rectal bleeding. I mean, this can’t possibly be healthy. I took it as an excuse to stop packing and just go to bed early.

As of today, I haven’t had a similar problem, and I’m taking that as a good sign. Maybe it was a fluke. (And now I have the terribly disturbing image of fish in my digestive track.) Regardless, I choose to feel worried. Much like the apartment, nothing to do but wait and see.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Only three months? A new record!

I own no less than 20 journals and diaries. None of them have been written in past the first two pages and I really can’t explain why. I usually get them when I mention that I write to someone I don’t know well, so a few months when later my birthday rolls around I’m suddenly the proud owner of a tasteful leather-bound blank book (or possibly some bright pink plastic monstrosity). And each time I vow that this time, this time, I’m going to do it right, that instead of scribbling random bits on napkins and the backs of envelopes, I’m going to collect it all in one neat, easy, permanently bound space. I open it up that very day, neatly print the date in the upper right hand corner, and proceed to put down a few words about who gave me this marvelous (or possibly tacky) new book, the occasion, my determination to actually use this one, and go on to dutifully describe my current thoughts and mood. Sometimes I even pick it up the next day and write something creative on the following page. And invariably, a year or more later I find it under the bed, beside a bookshelf, at the back of my closet, and wonder why did I stop writing in this? But the last dated entry was so long ago that I feel silly making another, so I just set it aside.

How did I possibly convince myself that a blog would be any different?

I won’t even bother apologizing. I will, however, go ahead and post something I typed up about a month ago after driving across the state to visit my mom. I promise to make a concerted effort to cut and paste more from the various untitled text files littering my documents folder. Maybe even some poetry to make up for lost time; wouldn’t that be a treat? (I feel compelled to advise you to skip ahead at the first sign of irregular lines breaks. Really. It’s better for us both that way.)

My old bedroom is a weird, unappealing mix of trash and treasure, like a museum and dump yard all in one: my penguin collection, boxes of books, my old furniture, my mother’s sewing desk, all my journals from those years (HA!), the curtains I put up just a month before I moved away, and a closet full of junk I left behind, all of it covered in a heavy layer of grey dust that feels strangely soft when you touch it. I always find it disquieting to be back there, a sort of fearful nostalgia, old anxieties creeping in and a feeling that I don’t really know myself, who I was or who I’ve become. It was almost overwhelming this time, to be an adult in my child’s room and have no idea how those two times are connected, how a few years could have changed me so much, how easy it is to remember my childhood wrong, different, write it into something that makes it easier to live with or justifies the choices I’ve made since then. You see how confusing this is? It’s worse when I’m in the middle of it. Existential angst and moral anxiety, the binary solution that’s compounded so much of my life, and why the hell does my childhood always boil down to a science metaphor?

Instead of running from it, getting out of the house or at least into the living room, I had a strange urge to dive head first into it, to sift through the strata of my adolescence and try to make some sense out if it. This isn’t remarkable in and of itself; I spend more time than is strictly healthy revisiting the past, searching through and analyzing, trying to inject some meaning into that abiding sense of failure. Somehow, though, I did something different this time.

There are several large boxes in the top of my closet that have been there so long I’d forgotten what was in them. The first one was strangely light, like it was empty, and turned out to be the Box of Galahad, as I like to call it, a place to lock up all the memories of a certain ex-boyfriend. I think “high school sweetheart” is the most appropriate way to describe him, with the silly romantic overtones and genuine, endearing naiveté it implies. And while he was most certainly was a sweetheart, the term “boyfriend” seems somehow inappropriate in retrospect. When we broke up after our first year away at college I couldn’t stand to see all the pictures and keepsakes, but I just wasn’t angry enough to throw any of it away. Hence, the box. The name is a much longer story.

I began to look through it all with a sort of detached curiosity, the hurt having faded as I had hoped (but never quite believed) it would when I packed everything into it in the first place. Pictures and gifts and so many flowers. So many. More flowers from those months than the rest of my life combined several times over. Mostly roses, mostly pink or peach, and it was strange to remember how shamelessly girly I had let myself be with him. There were no less than five stuffed animals, silly little things that I so rarely let myself admit I like, but that had made me smile, and he would do almost anything to get me to smile. I found myself overwhelmed as I looked through it all to remember how good he was to me, the awkward tenderness that’s a cornerstone of his personality, how he never once put me down or treated me with anything less than respect. I was just washed in a sense of gratitude, almost incredulous that anyone could ever have been so consistently kind to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind there was a little voice (If it was so perfect, why aren’t you missing him? Why are you so calm?) but it was surprisingly easy to ignore. Maybe I’ve finally found some kind of emotional maturity. Maybe my denial just finally went deep enough it overcame the reality. I’m okay with either.

At the bottom of the box was a teddy bear in a clear plastic box with a few pieces of chocolate. He gave it to me for Valentine’s Day, my first real Valentine gift ever, so it had been terribly special to me. The bear smelled like chocolate and was in the box with the chocolates in an attempt to make sure the smell never went away. (This was a potentially powerful and heartbreaking metaphor for my approach to romance, and really life in general, but I wasn’t quite there yet.) I kept it on a shelf above my bed and would pull it down and crack the lid, bask in that smell, at the end of a bad day or when I missed him. The memory made me smile, and I opened the lid to smell it again, wanting to touch some piece of the me that was then, the simple, clean affection I had for him.

The feeling came back in force, untouched by nostalgia or any conscious revision; it was nothing like I remembered. It was a feeling of being unbearably miserable, utterly lost in sadness, and a mindless desperation to feel something, anything else, to create some shadow of joy out of anything I could find. It was sickeningly familiar, and it struck me that this was the feeling that, at the time, I had called “happy.”

I’m overwhelmed by the sadness of it, the sickness of my own heart, but more than anything, the fact that I was so unaware of all that pain when it was the defining characteristic of my personality and the reason for almost every choice I made. I remember crying a lot, and knowing that I was depressed, thinking sometimes that I had more trouble being happy than other people, but looking back now… I think I had been so wrapped up in pain for so long that I forgot how to feel happy. I think I honest to God forgot what happy even felt like. If I were reading a story like that now, about someone else, I think I might cry for the sadness of it. But because it was me I just feeling tired, even a little nauseous, and slightly incredulous that things can change so much in just a few years. I laughed earlier today, just a few hours ago, and it felt good. Not only that, but I took it for granted. I’ll probably laugh again before the day is over, smile several times and mean it for at least a few of them. Life now can suck at times, and I’m not really sure I’m doing this “responsible adult” thing very well, but at least I can smile and laugh. It's strange to remember there was a time when I couldn’t even do that.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Just a quick note

I have no internet connection at home. I don't know when I will again. My DSL provider blames my phone company, who in turn blames the DSL provider. It sucks.

I'm writing this at work, and will lose my job if my boss find out, so that's all for now. Please, bear with me.

Friday, May 05, 2006

On the Importance of Navels and Hope

Hello world, and welcome to my brain. I hope you enjoy your stay – someone here ought to.

So begins Purge, my foray into the world of blogging. I suppose there's nothing more appropriate for an insecure exhibitionist, and I guess it's a wonder that I haven't started one sooner. If you're looking for a name, you won't get one. Those of you who know me or recognize the picture can just feel lucky to have found your way here, and kindly not mention anything you read should we interact in the real world. This is not a place for tact or discretion. Hence the name. This is where all the ugly, hurt things inside get to come out and play, and I don't have to worry about causing any kind of damage. In theory, none of you know me. Hell, in theory, no one will ever read this but me. All the same, feel free to leave your comments and feedback, but for God's sake, don't leave anything identifying. The name of the game is anonymity, and it doesn't work if I become a real, live person with a name and a family and a belly button. Just let me be one more drop in the sea of Great American Dropouts, a twenty-something loser with little better to do than whine to anonymous strangers.

For the record, self awareness is a bitch.

Statistically speaking, I'm a 23 year old white female, single and living with a boyfriend who may or may not still be here in six months. I like to write but lack both the talent and commitment to get published, not that I've had the nerve to try. I grew up in a smallish Texas town packed to the gills with hypocrites and illegal immigrants, and learned very little there past a lasting hatred for high school football and organized religion. I'm something of a Mexican food connoisseur (if such a thing can be said to exist), and I suppose I can chalk that up to the home town, too. I'm too smart to fit in with most crowds, but was too dense to finish college while the grants were still there. I've made a grand show of oscillating between over- and under-achieving throughout most my life with consistently bad timing on both, and so have little to show for myself in a job interview or on a date. There are good things about me, I'm sure, but you'd have to ask my therapist for a list of those. I'm not entirely aware of them at the moment.

Pessimist? Damn right. Optimism is just the primrose path to crushing disappointment. Furthermore, it’s been a very bad month, and I’m taking this opportunity to wallow. All the same, I do believe in hope, and every now and then can scrape together a bit of it for myself. For the most part I tend to hand it out to others, as I find that easier to handle. I prefer to keep my nose to the grindstone of self-analysis (which in a more flattering mood I might dub self-improvement) and try not to get caught up in believing happy, convenient lies. I'm lonely a lot, but I lack the social skills to keep most friends around, so mostly I just deal with it. I sometimes cry for no good reason. I fully believe in (and try to consistently practice) kindness to strangers. I'm something of a wimp. I hate lies and broken promises. Also, I like cheese, but who doesn't?

Still curious? Even morbidly so? Check back every now and then, and I'm sure eventually there will be something interesting. Also, you can leave inappropriate, angry comments demanding more, and it just might get you somewhere. You never know.

P.S. Kristiana, you comments can be angry without being inappropriate. I wouldn't blame you at all. Still, I have missed you, and wouldn't mind catching up.